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Home / Electric Vehicles
Our Key Points

EVs have no tailpipe emissions, making them environmentally friendly and efficient

The cost of charging an EV is more affordable than a gas-powered vehicle and less susceptible to fluctuating prices. Compared to gas-powered vehicles, EVs have a much lower maintenance cost overall.

With battery-powered motors, EVs have a smoother, stronger acceleration.

EVs do not have engines and can be safer in head-on collisions due to having a lower center of gravity making EVs less likely to turn over.
EV Charger Types

AC Level 1 Charger
Use a standard household outlet and are the simplest to set up
Approximately 8-12 hours to charge

AC Level 2 Charger
Can be used at home and are also available at public sites
Deliver 10 to 60 miles of range per hour of charging
Approximately 4-6 hours to charge

DC Fast Charger
Most often available at public stations
Less than 30 minutes to reach 80 percent charge
EV Charging Stations Near You
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